Research progresses

Expanding anaerobic alkane metabolism in the domain of Archaea

Published:2019-03-04  Views:706

Methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation through methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR) as a key enzyme have been suggested to be basal pathways of archaea1. How widespread MCR-based alkane metabolism is among archaea, where it occurs and how it evolved remain elusive. Here, we performed a global survey of MCR-encoding genomes based on metagenomic data from various environments. Eleven high-quality mcr-containing metagenomic-assembled genomes were obtained belonging to the Archaeoglobi in the Euryarchaeota, Hadesarchaeota and different TACK superphylum archaea, including the Nezhaarchaeota, Korarchaeota and Verstraetearchaeota. Archaeoglobi WYZ-LMO1 and WYZ-LMO3 and Korarchaeota WYZ-LMO9 encode both the (reverse) methanogenesis and the dissimilatory sulfate reduction pathway, suggesting that they have the genomic potential to couple both pathways in individual organisms. The Hadesarchaeota WYZ-LMO4–6 and Archaeoglobi JdFR42 encode highly divergent MCRs, enzymes that may enable them to thrive on non-methane alkanes. The occurrence of mcr genes in different archaeal phyla indicates that MCR-based alkane metabolism is common in the domain of Archaea.

Metabolic schemes of the studied MAGs with novel mcr genes. (a-c) The new MAGs demonstrate the large metabolic diversity of mcr-containing Archaeoglobi. a. WYZ-LMO1 and 2 are likely methane oxidizers capable of sulfate reduction; b. WYZ-LMO2, with a TACK-type mcr gene cluster, is likely a methanogen; c. JdFR-42 contains the multi-carbon-type mcr gene cluster, genes for fatty acid degradation, and genes for nitrate/nitrite reduction. Hence, it is likely a nitrate/nitrite- or partner-bacterium-dependent hydrocarbon oxidizer. d. The bins of Hadesarchaeota archaea WYZ-LMO4-6 encode multi-carbon-compound metabolism; the absence of reductive pathways suggests a need for partner bacteria. e. Nezhaarchaeota archaea WYZ-LMO7-8 contains the genes for hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. f. Korarchaeota archaeon WYZ-LMO9 is likely a methylotrophic methanogen that uses electrons from sulfide or hydrogen oxidation.


Yinzhao Wang, Gunter Wegener, Jialin Hou, Fengping Wang, Xiang Xiao. (2019). Expanding anaerobic alkane metabolism in the domain of Archaea. Nature Microbiology 4, 595-602.
