
【征集】21st ISC Session T4-1: Deep Biosphere摘要征集

Published:2022-03-07  Views:595

第二十一届国际沉积学大会(The 21st International Sedimentological Congress)将于2022年8月22日-26日在北京举行。本次会议是四年一度的综合性沉积学会议,由中国地质大学主办,中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)、中国海洋石油集团有限公司(CNOOC)、中国石化集团公司(SINOPEC)、中国沉积物学会(CAS)、国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)共同组织,国际沉积家协会(IAS)赞助。考虑到疫情原因,本次会议采取线上线下结合方式。会议以“A New Journey of Sedimentology: from thePacific to the Himalaya”为题,下设11个主题,每个主题分设若干专题。专题会 T4-1: Deep Biosphere: roles of subsurface life inelemental cycles and life-environment co-evolution 现征集摘要,期待广大深部生命研究同仁踊跃参与。

Session T4-1: Deep Biosphere: roles of subsurface life in elemental cycles and life-environmentco-evolution

Life persists and thrives in the subsurface of the Earth, in the complete absence of surfacelight energy. More than 50 years of investigations of this “deep biosphere”have revolutionized our understanding of Earth’s deepest ecosystems andbiogeochemical elemental cycles, as well as the origin of life and itsco-evolution with the environment. Still, large research gaps remain, e.g. whatare the strategies for long-term survival of deep life on geological timescales? What are the fundamental mechanisms of the functioning of deep life andits evolution in low-energy subsurface environments? What role does deep lifeplay in Earth’s geochemical cycles, across varying time scales? In this session, we would like to create a forum for recent exciting results in the deep-biosphere: from diversity and function to elemental cycling. We welcome papers studying life in both terrestrial and oceanic subsurface environments,and encourage studies on geochemical activities of deep life, the origin andevolution of deep life, and using new analytical techniques, that bridge various time scales, and that will enhance exploration of deep-biosphere frontiers.


