

Published:2023-04-14  Views:366




Daniel A. Gittins*, Pierre-Arnaud Desiage, Natasha Morrison, Jayne E. Rattray, Srijak Bhatnagar#, Anirban Chakraborty, Jackie Zorz, Carmen Li, Oliver Horanszky, Margaret A. Cramm, Francesco Bisiach, Robbie Bennett, Jamie Webb, Adam MacDonald, Martin Fowler, D. Calvin Campbell, Casey R. J. Hubert. Geological processes mediate a microbial dispersal loop in the deep biosphere. Science Advances 8.34 (2022): eabn3485.

“for demonstrating nicely the presence of a microbial dispersal loop mediated by geological process, which circulates living biomass in and out of the deep biosphere.”


Xiyang Dong*, Chuwen Zhang, Yongyi Peng, Hong-Xi Zhang, Ling-Dong Shi, Guangshan Wei, Casey R. J. Hubert, Yong Wang* & Chris Greening. Phylogenetically and catabolically diverse diazotrophs reside in deep-sea cold seep sediments. Nature Communications 13.1 (2022): 4885.

“for expanding largely the diversity of diazotrophs in cold seeps, which might contribute substantially to the global nitrogen balance.”


Chin Yik Lin, Harold J. Bradbury*, Gilad Antler, David J. Burdige, Thomas D. Bennett, Shichun Li, Alexandra V. Turchyn. Sediment mineralogy influences the rate of microbial sulfate reduction in marine sediments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 598 (2022): 117841.

“for demonstrating the influences of clay minerals on the cell activity of sulfate reducing bacterium, indicating the importance for further exploration of the impacts of sediment mineralogy on the microbial activity in the subseafloor biosphere.”


Shasha Song, Isaac R. Santos, Huaming Yu, Faming Wang, William C. Burnett, Thomas S. Bianchi, Junyu Dong, Ergang Lian, Bin Zhao, Lawrence Mayer, Qingzhen Yao, Zhigang Yu & Bochao Xu*. A global assessment of the mixed layer in coastal sediments and implications for carbon storage. Nature communications 13.1 (2022): 4903.

“for providing the global distribution of the sediment mixed layer (SML), revealing that organic carbon preservation and SMLs are inversely related which provide the basis for further understanding the abundance and activity of deep life in the sediments.”




2022年度两名获奖者分别为美国德州农工大学张一歌副教授美国毕格罗海洋科学实验室 Melody R. Lindsay副研究员


“for developing and applying new organic geochemical approaches to study the geological carbon cycle, with particular emphasis on the greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4.”


Melody R. Lindsay副研究员

for discovery of linkages between subsurface volatiles and microbial metabolisms, especially through H2 and phase separation.”

我们谨向获奖者表示热烈祝贺,并对他们在深度生命研究方面的重要贡献表示感谢,同时也感谢评选委员会的大力支持。获奖者将被邀请在2023年度IC-DLI系列研讨会中进行专题讲座。IC-DLI 2023研讨会将从4月开始,敬请期待!