2023 Webinar

From the winners of "Deep Life Paper” and "SiYuan-Ocean Emerging Leader" Awards in 2022(V)

Published:2023-09-13  Views:324

2023 IC-DIL Webinar


Speaker:Dr. Melody R. Lindsay

Title:Microbial activity rates in low biomass ecosystems: Species-resolved, single-cell respiration rates in the deep continental subsurface

Time:September 19th 2023, 13: 00 [UTC] 21: 00 [Beijing]

ZOOM meeting:846 2577 0747; Password: 592628

ZOOM link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84625770747?pwd=OVpaODFqK01mc2pQV0xvR09XSFA1UT09