
2023 Conference of the International Center for Deep Life Investigation (IC-DLI) & the 5th Anniversary Celebration of IC-DLI

Published:2023-10-31  Views:1247

2023 Conference of the International Center for Deep Life Investigation (IC-DLI) & the 5th Anniversary Celebration of IC-DLI was held in Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Sanya, Hainan. More than 100 researchers from the United States, Germany, France, South Africa, Australia, Austria, Pakistan and China participated in the conference. There were four sessions: deep life and geochemical cycles, life strategy and evolution, cultivation and physiology of deep life and new technologies for deep life studies. Thirty six researchers gave the report and thirty three young scholars presented their poster. Professor Jizhong Zhou from University of Oklahoma, professor Jillian M. Petersen from University of Vienna and professor Lei Cheng from Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affaires provided the Plenary talks.

Jizhong Zhou

Jillian M. Petersen

Lei Cheng

Co-chairs of Science Advisory Committee of IC-DLI: Kai-Uwe Hinrichs(right) and Karen Lloyd(left)

poster session

Professor Xiang Xiao from SJTU, the dean of IC-DLI, introduced the progress made by IC-DLI since 2018 and discussed the future development of IC-DLI with all the participants. Three round-table discussions were organized during conference, which are IODP-China deep biosphere implementing plan, Future of deep life and ISME Early Career Networking in China.ture of deep life and ISME Early Career Networking in China.

Prof. Xiang Xiao introduced IC-DLI 5th anniversary milestones

Round-table discussions

This conference provided a chance for reunion of deep life community and promoted international communication and cooperation in deep life research.

Group photo of all participants


News report from Xinhua Global Service on 2023 IC-DLI Conference: