Fund Project

IC-DLI reveal five recipients of IC-DLI Collaborative Research Fund for Deep Life Researchers FY 2023

发布时间:2023-03-08  阅读次数:1768

The International Center for Deep Life Investigation (IC-DLI) is pleased to announce five projects will be supported by IC-DLI Collaborative Research Fund for Deep Life Researchers FY 2023. IC-DLI established IC-DLI Collaborative Research Fund to support researchers at universities or institutions abroad who wish to conduct deep life research. This fund aims to provide more opportunities to international researchers at different stages of their academic careers and strengthen the international research cooperation in the field of deep life. Recipient list as follows:

                                                                                                                                                             In no particular order

IC-DLI warmly congratulates all five recipients and welcome more international deep life researchers to apply for IC-DLI Collaborative Research Fund for Deep Life Researchers in the future. Any comments, suggestions, questions on IC-DLI research fund are more than welcomed. please feel free to contact Manping Zhang by email: